Hello! Welcome to today’s bible study on Genesis 44 and 45 where we will read about Joseph accusing Benjamin of stealing his silver cup and wanting to make him his slave followed by Joseph revealing himself to his brothers and inviting his father and brothers to live in Goshen in Egypt. According to Bible scholars, the events of Genesis 44 and 45 took place in 1875 B.C. approximately.

I encourage you to turn to Genesis 44 and 45 in your Bible. Kindly invite the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read and study Genesis 44 and 45. I mention this in all the Bible Studies because it is only through the Holy Spirit that we get fresh revelation and knowledge to understand the word of God. No one else can teach you better than the Holy Spirit Himself. I am using the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, just in case you want to know.
In the Bible Study on Genesis 43, we read about Joseph meeting Benjamin with his brothers and his hospitality towards them. Well, in this Bible study on Genesis 44 and 45 we will read about Joseph’s brothers’s return to Egypt with Benjamin to buy additional grain for their families’s, the silver cup and the false accusation, Judah interceding for Benjamin and Joseph’s invitation to his father and his brothers to live in Goshen in Egypt.
Backstory on Genesis 43
Joseph’s brothers return with Benjamin after convincing their father, Jacob, to send him with them. Joseph is overjoyed to see Benjamin, his blood brother, and is overcome by emotion. He eats lunch with his brothers and his brothers were astonished at this treatment because they still didn’t know that it was Joseph whom they had met.
Without any further delay, let us study together Genesis Chapter 44 and 45, shall we?
Genesis 44 Summary
Joseph commanded his steward to put his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack and then commanded his steward to accuse his brothers of stealing it while they were on their way home. When the cup was found in Benjamin’s sack, the brothers were distraught and returned to Joseph, offering to become his slaves. However, Joseph said that only Benjamin would be his slave, and the rest could return to their father in peace.
Judah spoke with Joseph and explained the full story from their first meeting. He explained how much their father loved Benjamin as his brother Joseph was considered dead. He further explained how his father’s life was bound in Benjamin and that he would die of sorrow if Benjamin didn’t return to him in Canaan.
Judah recounted how he became a surety for Benjamin and offered to remain as a slave to Joseph in place of Benjamin, so that Benjamin could return home with his brothers.
Genesis 45 Summary
Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, explaining how God had sent him to preserve life in Egypt and also had made a way of deliverance for his family (brothers and father). He urged his brothers to inform Jacob about this and bring him to Egypt along with their families and belongings to live near him in Goshen, assuring them he would provide for them. Then he embraced Benjamin and wept, and he kissed all his brothers and wept over them and then the brothers spoke with Joseph.
Pharaoh heard that Joseph’s brothers had come, and he invited his father and Joseph’s brothers’ household to Egypt and promised to provide for them with the best of Egypt. He commanded the Egyptians to provide carts for them to travel and told them not to be concerned about their goods, as they would be provided with the best of all the land.
Joseph provided carts for his brothers, provisions and extra garments. To Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver and five garments of exchange. Joseph’s brothers returned to Canaan and told their father, Jacob, that Joseph was still alive and was the governor of Egypt. Jacob was shocked that his son was alive and his heart stood still and he did not believe them at first. However, when he saw the carts and all that Joseph had sent, Jacob’s spirit revived that he (Joseph) was still alive and decided to go to Egypt and see him before he died.
Genesis 44 and Genesis 45 Commentary
1. Genesis 44:4
Joseph asked his steward to falsely accuse his brothers and tried to find a way to keep Benjamin with him without revealing to them that he was actually their brother. He sought retribution against his brothers for their past actions. However, he loved Benjamin because he was his blood brother (same mother and father). Using the excuse of making Benjamin a slave, Joseph intended to keep him with him, although it is unlikely that he genuinely wanted Benjamin to be his slave.
2. Genesis 44:18-34
Judah interceded for Benjamin. The hebrew name Judah means ‘Praise’. Therefore, Praise interceded and stopped harm from befalling Benjamin. In the same way, your praise will stop any harm coming your way. When you praise God despite your circumstances, that praise intercedes for you. In this chapter, Judah kept his promise to his father Jacob and interceded for Benajmin to uphold his promise to his father.
3. Genesis 45:16-20
Pharaoh made a special allowance for Joseph’s brothers, father, and household. No other Jews were treated in the same way as Joseph and his family in Egypt. Even the Egyptians did not have access to the best of the land. However, the Jews, who were considered an abomination and who often worked as slaves under the Egyptians (including Joseph before he rose to power), now had access to the best of the land. This demonstrates that when God shows favor to you, you will also find favor with others, even to the extent of gaining favor with a king.
4. Genesis 45:26-28
When Jacob found out that Joseph was alive, he refused to believe it. For years, he had thought that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast, based on the story his other sons had told him when they showed him Joseph’s coat stained with goat’s blood. He assumed that the blood was Joseph’s and his sons didn’t care to explain the truth to him. Now that he knew Joseph was alive, he wasn’t thinking about escaping the famine or saving himself. He just wanted to see his son before he died. That’s pure fatherly love demonstrated by Jacob.
Genesis 44 and Genesis 45 Lessons
1. Your praise will intercede for you
Just as Judah interceded for Benjamin to set him free, your praise will intercede for you. When you face tough situations and don’t know what to do, the enemy would love for you to stand still and complain. However, if you take a moment to praise God through the trials, you will emerge victorious. Praise gives God access to move in your situation and it is a powerful weapon.
2. God’s purposes and plans are bigger than you
The plans and purposes that God has for you are greater than you and your household. We might think, God has a plan to prosper us for our benefit. Yes, it is true. But the benefits go beyond us and our households, you see. In Joseph’s case, his rise to power was not for his and his household’s benefit only, but also for all the pagan people of Egypt, Canaan, and other nearby nations during the famine. These other people didn’t have a covenant with God and did not know God. However, God is merciful and wants none to perish and everyone to come to repentance.
3. Trials precede promotion
Sometimes, we have to go through periods of testing, trials, or waiting before we can receive a promotion. Promotion occurs when we successfully overcome challenges. For instance, in Joseph’s case, he had to wait for 13 years before being promoted as second to Pharaoh of Egypt. Moreover, he wasn’t simply waiting; he was a slave during those 13 years and remained humble and submissive to Pharaoh and his authorities. He maintained a humble attitude during his trials and trusted God to deliver him, which ultimately happened. If we refrain from complaining during trials and trust in God’s goodness and justice, we will emerge victorious in all situations and will be promoted to a position of power and authority just like Joseph..

This concludes the bible study lesson on Genesis 44 and Genesis 45. I hope you enjoyed this free bible study and found it helpful in your Bible study journey. Feel free to share it with others. Also, share your thoughts about it and what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you about Genesis 44 and 45. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
What are your thoughts about Genesis 44 and Genesis 45?
Until next time!