Hello! Welcome to today’s bible study on Genesis 46 where we will read about Jacob’s journey to Egypt and how he and his sons settled in Goshen. According to Bible scholars, the events of Genesis 46 took place in 1875 B.C. approximately.

I encourage you to turn to Genesis 46 in your Bible. Kindly invite the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read and study Genesis 46. I mention this in all the Bible Studies because it is only through the Holy Spirit that we get fresh revelation and knowledge to understand the word of God. No one else can teach you better than the Holy Spirit Himself. I am using the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, just in case you want to know.
In the Bible Study on Genesis 44 and 45, we read about Judah interceding for Benjamin and Joseph revealing his true identity to his brothers, and inviting his father and brothers to live in Egypt. Well, in this Bible study on Genesis 46, we will read about Jacob’s journey to Egypt and how he settled in Goshen.
Backstory on Genesis 44 and 45
Joseph falsely accused Benjamin of stealing his silver cup to keep him with him. Judah intervened on behalf of Benjamin, as he had pledged to be responsible for Benjamin and ensure his safe return to their father, Jacob. Joseph then revealed his true identity to his brothers and invited them, along with their father Jacob, to Egypt. Pharaoh also extended an invitation to Joseph’s family to come to Egypt so that they could not only escape the famine but also enjoy the best of the land. Jacob prepares to go to Egypt to meet his son Joseph.
Without any further delay, let us study together Genesis Chapter 46, shall we?
Genesis 46 Summary
Jacob journeyed with all that he had and came to Beersheba, where he offered sacrifices to God. While Jacob was asleep, God called out to him, saying “Jacob, Jacob.” Jacob replied, “Here I am.” God reaffirmed His promises to Jacob and told him not to be afraid to go down to Egypt, as He would make Jacob a great nation there. God assured Jacob that He would go down with him to Egypt and would bring him back to Canaan again when he dies and that Joseph would put his hands on his eyes when he died.
Jacob then left Beersheba, and his sons carried him, along with their little ones and wives, in the carts sent by Pharaoh to transport them. They took with them also their livestock, and belongings that they had acquired in Canaan. Jacob’s entire family, including his sons, grandsons, daughters, and granddaughters, journeyed to Egypt with him. Altogether, there were 70 people in his family.
Jacob sent Judah ahead of him to Joseph to show the way to Goshen. Joseph prepared his chariot and went up to Goshen to meet his father, Israel. When they met, Joseph embraced his father and he wept for quite some time. Israel said to Joseph that he could finally die in peace because he had seen his face and knew that he was still alive.
Joseph informed his brothers and his father’s household that he planned to go to Pharaoh and tell him that his family had come from Canaan. He intended to explain to Pharaoh that they were shepherds and had brought their flocks and herds with them. Joseph instructed them to say they were shepherds in case Pharaoh asked about their occupation. He gave them this instruction so they could live in Goshen, as shepherds were considered abominable by the Egyptians.
Genesis 46 Commentary
1. Genesis 46:2-4
God confirmed His covenant with Israel(Jacob) in Beersheba and reassured him that He would go down with him to Egypt. God took Abraham and his descendants to Canaan, and now they were instructed to return to Egypt. However, it was for Jacob and his family’s benefit. God promised Jacob that he would be buried in Canaan. This is similar to when Joseph was instructed to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt while Herod was killing children who were 2 years old and under. Egypt was a temporary place of refuge from harm and not the final destination.
Beersheba is a place of great significance. When Jacob had the dream about the ladder in Genesis 28, he left Beersheba and was on his way to Haran when God first spoke to him. It was at Beersheba that treaties were made between Abraham and Abimelech, as well as between Isaac and Abimelech.
2. Genesis 46:5-7
God’s covenant with Jacob not only saved him during the famine but also his entire family even though some of their wives were not necessarily in covenant with God. For example: Joseph’s wife was Egyptian and one of Simeon’s wives was a Canaanite woman. However, one person’s (Jacob’s) covenant with God, saved his entire family. It all originally started with God’s covenant with Abraham.
3. Genesis 46:8-15
If we closely examine the tribe of Levi, chosen to be priests unto God, we find that they were born from Leah. Judah, from whom the Messiah finally came, also came from Leah. However, Leah was not Jacob’s preferred wife. He didn’t love her and was deceived into marrying her instead of Rachel by his uncle Laban. Leah was sad that her husband didn’t love her, but God used the seemingly lowly to raise them up. This has been a pattern throughout the Bible.
4. Genesis 46:28
Goshen is a place of well-being where Jacob and his sons prospered despite the famine. Jacob sends Judah ahead of him to show the way to Goshen. This parallels God sending Jesus to show the way to Him (The Father). God Himself is our place of refuge.
Genesis 46 Lessons
1. God is faithful
God confirmed His covenant with Jacob and reassured him that He would go down with Jacob to Egypt. He is faithful to His people as He is a covenant-keeping God.
2. God is our Goshen
God is our Goshen and our place of refuge. Our place of refuge is not a physical one, but God Himself. We take refuge in Him and trust Him to provide for us. If He directs us to do something, then we must go ahead and do it. However, living in fear of the future is not wise. We must live a life of faith trusting in the Lord. He is able to take care of us. Our part is to be obedient to Him.
3. God’s blessing is also for your household and family
In Genesis 46, we see how not only Jacob was saved from the famine but also all his sons, their wives, sons, and daughters. Some of their sons took wives who had no covenant with God. Yet the Lord upheld His covenant with Jacob, and as a result, the entire family benefited and was saved from the famine, getting to eat the best of the land of Egypt. Similarly, even though some of your family members might not be in covenant with God, do not fret or worry. If you follow the Lord with all your heart and keep your covenant with Him, God will take care of the rest. He cares about those whom you care about.

This concludes the bible study lesson on Genesis 46. I hope you enjoyed this free bible study and found it helpful in your Bible study journey. Feel free to share it with others. Also, share your thoughts about it and what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you about Genesis 46. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
What are your thoughts about Genesis 46?
Until next time!