Hello! How are you doing today? Well, I am back again with another testimony to encourage you in your walk with God. God is faithful both with the small and big things. You’ll find out what I am talking about in a minute.

Here is my angel testimony, if you are interested to know how God rescued me when I was alone and trapped on a terrace at dusk. Here is my financial testimony to encourage you.
God’s faithfulness in a seemingly small thing
Last year, I visited my parents (in Asia). While I was there, I had the urge to go my unbelieving uncle’s house to pray for his legs, as he was having difficulty walking. Unfortunately, on the day I planned to visit him, I fell sick, experiencing what seemed to be food poisoning, which prevented me from making the trip. I suspected this was the work of the enemy, as I believe he hates people coming to know God.
I had hoped to feel better by the day of my return journey to Italy, which was the day after my failed attempt to visit my uncle. However, I was still unwell. Traveling such a long distance with food poisoning was uncomfortable, despite having eaten only hygienic, home-cooked meals. I had been healthy throughout my entire trip, so it felt like more than mere coincidence that I fell ill exactly when I had planned to visit my uncle, only two days before returning to Italy. The medications I had on hand didn’t seem to help.
During the flight, the turbulence added to my discomfort. I couldn’t sit still; I was agitated, sweating, and in continuous pain. With two hours left until we landed in Italy, I said a quick prayer to the Lord, asking for help to endure the pain and the turbulence until I reached home. I promised to testify about my experience. That is why I am sharing this testimony with you all today. Glory to God!
Answered Prayer -Testimony
Although the pain didn’t stop immediately, I felt that the trip became shorter and everything started moving in my favor. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t experience any pain at the airport, even while my husband and I waited for more than an hour in line to get through customs. Unsurprisingly, our luggage arrived quickly as well. We made it home on time. This might seem small, but I couldn’t imagine how I would have managed to get home without being in pain when I was on the airplane, knowing I still had more than two hours left to reach Italy.
When we arrived home, I felt okay, although not 100%. I slept well that night, and the next day I felt completely fine as if nothing had happened. I give God all the credit for that. And, I want to encourage you to pray to God, no matter what your needs are. They could be small or large; God cares about both. When you pray with complete dependence on Him, especially when you feel weak (like I did during the trip), He will show Himself strong and will come through for you.
God’s faithfulness in big things
I need to gather my thoughts to write this because thinking about God’s goodness always makes me emotional. I started writing this testimony in July 2024, then in September, October, November, and now I am final able to complete it and share it with you in December. The testimony kept changing all the while I attempted to write.
My parents live in a leased house in Asia, I’ll keep the country and location private for their sake. They don’t own a house due to various circumstances. Suddenly, in mid-April of this year, the landlords notified them that they needed to vacate the house within three months, by July. This request was not due to anything my parents had done; the landlords simply needed a higher rent to fund their son’s college expenses. My parents now faced a tough decision: either continue paying monthly rent or find another leased house within those three months. With limited savings and nowhere to go, they were uncertain about what to do next.
Prayer and Petition
When I learned about this situation, I began praying alongside them and asked the Lord to guide my prayers. In April, we felt led to sow a seed, which I asked my parents to do since it was their house in need. They sowed in faith, but unfortunately, nothing “seemingly” happened that month. Rather, we did not see nor perceive what God was doing in the background.
Nothing Happened Initially
Nothing happened in April. The days passed, May arrived, and still, nothing had changed. In April, I had prayed with my parents for a specific leased house within a certain price range that fit their budget. Honestly, finding a house at that price seemed impossible because market lease prices had risen considerably. May came and went, and by June, my parents still hadn’t found a suitable house.
By the end of May, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray not just for a house but also for a solution. I adjusted my prayers accordingly and began praying with my parents. And, I asked God to provide them with a two-bedroom, two-bathroom house, larger than what they currently had, in a safe neighborhood. I continued to pray for God to reveal a solution, asking Him to either have the current landlord extend their lease or to lead them to a house provided by Him.
Doubts creep in
My parents believe in Christ, but they are not fully committed believers yet. The Lord is working on them. However, I appreciate that they were willing to pray with me for their needs and to trust the Lord.
As July arrived, my parents still had not found a house, but I called them from Italy every single day and prayed with them (especially my mom) together every day for about 5 to 15 minutes, and I spent additional time in prayer by myself. By the beginning of July, I was still believing with them for a specific lease house that we had prayed for in April. However, by that time (July), my parents had started to doubt. They questioned why nothing had appeared and why no opportunities about a new house had come up despite the prayers.
I encouraged them to trust the Lord and reminded them that without faith, it is impossible to please God. It wasn’t a question of whether God could provide for their needs—He absolutely can. It was a matter of whether they believed enough to see that He would do so.
The Lord’s Answer
Exactly in the middle of July, when the landlords asked my parents to vacate the house, my father shared some good news with my mom, sister, and me. Someone very special had offered to buy our family a house. This was beyond anything my parents or I had ever imagined. For years, my parents had lived in rented or leased properties, and owning a house had always been my father’s dream. This was far beyond what we had hoped or prayed for.
The essence of the matter is that we had prayed for a leased house, but the Lord has now provided my elderly parents with their very first home.
God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than all that we ask or think – Ephesians 3:21
The Struggle
After that someone special had offered to pay for the house, the enemy tried to sneak in and create problems between my parents. There were people trying to brain-wash myfather to try to lead him astray from the house that the Lord has for him and my family. It was easy for people to brainwash my dad because both he and my family don’t know the Lord that much. They know him but not so much as in they didn’t read the word of God nor involve with things concerning Him, you see.
So, I and my mom had to stand in the gap and keep praying. July till September were months of restlessness. Every day and every other day had some quarrel or some problem between my parents that made them and also me really tired. It was warfare and I was in the middle of it trying to lead my family with prayer.
The Deception and Spiritual Warfare
My parents settled their differences at the beginning of September and decided on a house located on Moses Street. It couldn’t get any better than this, could it? After all, they were without a place to call their own for 40 years just like the Israelites in the desert. Right opposite the house they chose, they noticed a photo of Jesus hanging outside, which they both took as a sign from God. I did as well. When you look for signs like this, it’s easy for the enemy to deceive you. Instead, you should seek God and ask Him what His plans are for you, and He will reveal them to you through His Spirit. It is always wise to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
That same week, my mom suddenly came down with a high fever and vomiting, which was particularly challenging because it was also my birthday week and I had decided to go on a trip for that week nearby in Italy. Thankfully, the Lord healed her that week. However, when I returned from my birthday trip, I injured my shoulders and back, leaving me in pain for a month and a half. Yes, that’s right—one and a half months of constant pain. I couldn’t write on this blog or do anything for extended periods due to the discomfort. But the Lord healed me as well. We were in the middle of spiritual warfare. But I also knew that we were doing something right.
The Lord’s Providence
Finally, the Lord showed my sister a house, and the warfare didn’t cease. We had to fight through it, just like the Israelites in Canaan. Their occupation came with a battle, you see. Here, the spirit of poverty and lack was trying to hold my parents back, and we had to break free from it. There were many moments where my dad rejected this house even though it was the house that the Lord had brought forth for them. Now, my family lives in the house that the Lord provided for them and they like the house and appreciate it so much.
Prayer works. What changed after all those 40 years for my parents—similar to the Israelites wandering for 40 years in the desert—living in rental or leased properties and finally having their own house? It was prayer—faith-filled prayers asking for God’s will to be done in our situation. This is what brought about the change.
When we surrender completely to His will, He moves. He knows whose heart to touch and how to bring the help we need. He touched the heart of a family person who helped us while in church, and this person lives in a faraway country on a different continent altogether.
All Glory to God
The house that the Lord has provided for my parents is no ordinary house and this is no small testimony. The value of the house and the land He provided is three times more than its purchase price and it is the biggest house in which my family has ever lived in. It’s situated in a posh area, something that the budget of anyone special could not have accommodated in the earthly realm. The budget they had would typically only allow for an ordinary, ugly, small house with just one bedroom or two small bedrooms in a remote location. However, the Lord is good. He works all things together for those who trust in Him and orders our footsteps.
I cannot praise and thank the Lord enough. I am an ordinary human being and also a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. If God can move for me and my family, then He can move for you and your family too. The credit goes not to me and my family nor to the person or the others who helped but to God alone goes 100% of the credit for it is He who touched their hearts. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father alone – James 1:17.
Why Am I Sharing This Testimony?
I am sharing this personal testimony on my blog to encourage you. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. With man, things may be impossible. But with God, all things are possible. To have your prayers come to pass, you have to pray according to the will of God. You might be facing situations, big or small, but I want you to know that God cares about you. God cares about the little things and also the big things concerning you and your life and your loved ones. Salvation is not just for you but also for your household that is why Acts 16:31 says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household.
The little things in life may seem small or insignificant to you, but they are not to God. He knows everything that happens in your life and genuinely cares about each one of you reading this. He is aware of every single desire you have. It brings the Father great pleasure to give you the Kingdom, as stated in Luke 12:32. No matter what, seek the Lord diligently and trust Him, for He truly cares about you. Invite Him into your life and every situation you face and live a life of dependence on Him.

I hope this testimony brought you encouragement and hope and renewed your faith in the Lord. Do you have any testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness in your life? I would highly appreciate if you would share it with me and others in the comments below so that we can encourage each other in the Lord.
Until Next Time!