Hello to everyone reading this. How are you doing today? For sometime now, I have wanted to write about this topic on this blog. Hence, in obedience and reverence to God, I am putting out a detailed post about it here. As you must have guessed from the title, this post is about the salvation of the Lord. Some of you reading this might already know what it means. Whereas, for some others it might be the first time to ever hear or read about this topic.
In this post, I have attempted to write and explain things to the best of my ability through the help of the Holy Spirit so that you can make an informed decision about your life and all eternity.

1. What Does The Word Saved Mean
First things first, what exactly does the word ‘saved’ mean? According to the Oxford’s Learners Dictionary, save means to keep safe, that is, to keep somebody/something safe from death, harm, loss, etc. Salvation means preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin or loss. Usually someone saves someone when there is an impending danger. There is no need to save someone who is already safe. Do you agree with me, here?
You might not be in any impending physical danger right now to be saved from or so you might think. We must keep in mind that eternity is always next to us and tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. In any given instant, any of us could pass into eternity and this is very dangerous if we are not already saved because we could end up in hell. Hence, it is of paramount importance to know the truth and make a choice. Everything in life and beyond is a choice. And this might be the most important topic that you ever read in your life. So, kindly be patient with me and I invite you to keep reading.
Getting saved is not merely physical. It is, afterall, spiritual. And, it is not an obligation, but a personal choice but a crucial one and the most important choice that you would ever make in your life. Now, before you think, ‘Oh, I am out of here. I am not interested in spirituality’, kindly wait a moment.
First of all, we must know and understand that we are a spirit. In a moment, things are going to be so clear for you to understand as you read and follow along.
2. What Is A Human Being Composed Of?
A human being is a spirit who lives in a body and has a soul (3 in 1).
Your spirit is the real you. ex: when you talk, walk, eat, see and move, etc. You are a spirit. The physical body cannot do any activity on its own. Yes, it all comes naturally to us, but, that doesn’t mean that it is our body moving itself. Most of the time, we don’t even think about it.
Without the spirit, the body has no life. Otherwise, dead people’s bodies would still be talking and moving and speaking. The separation of the spirit from the body is called death. When your spirit is inside your body you can move you body, walk, talk eat and do all the things you normally do, that is you are living, when your spirit is in (inside) your body.
Your physical body is the one you live in. Why do you need a physical body if you are a spirit? To live and function on this planet called earth and to do things on the earth you need the physical body, as per God’s design. A spirit cannot function on the earth without a physical body.
Also, you have a soul. Your soul is your mind (thoughts), your will and your emotions. With your mind you think. You make decisions with your mind and with your will (your choice). And, you react and express yourself with emotions.
Because getting saved or being born-again is spiritual, it has got everything to do with your spirit. You might now ask why should your spirit be saved? Aren’t you already perfect when God made you? To explain this, I am going to take you to where it all started. You guessed it right – Adam And Eve. Note that when you are saved or born-again only your spirit is saved. Your spirit is communing and in covenant with God. Your body and your soul does not get saved. If your body was also saved, you would live eternally on the earth without dying as God originally intended. However, there will be a day when we all get to live eternally on the earth again without physical death.
3. God’s Covenant With Man
When God created the first man Adam, he was created in God’s image. God made Adam from the earth and gave him His breath for life. When He did that, Adam’s earth body started breathing and living. He was connected to God through covenant because God is a covenant God. He gave man dominion over the earth. So, now it was the man’s duty to dominate the earth and everything on it according to Genesis Chapter 1.
4. Adam’s Covenant Breaking With God
Later, God created Eve from Adam. She listened to the serpent and Adam listened to Eve and they ate the fruit that God forbade them to eat in the garden of Eden. Adam, sinned by disobeying God and broke his covenant with God. This in turn, caused a legal and eternal separation between God and man spiritually. Adam, also automatically transferred his birthrights (of dominion and authority over the earth) to satan because he obeyed satan when he disobeyed God.
Adam gave up not only his birthrights(ruling, reigning, dominion of earth) but also the birthrights of entire mankind to satan and broke his and our covenant with God. And, because of inherited sin (passed down through generations) from Adam, we were already in bondage (to satan) when we were born on this earth. God gave eternal life originally to all living creatures and humans. It was the sin of Adam and Eve that brought death not only to human beings on earth but also to every living creature. I again suggest you to read Genesis 1,2 and 3, if you haven’t already, to get the full picture.
5. The Ten Commandments
God gave to Moses the ten commandments to show man what sin is and to abstain from it. Anyone who violates the law has sinned in God’s eyes. And the wages of sin is death. Therefore, God instructed man to temporarily atone for his sins (breaking of the law – the ten commandments) by the shedding of animal blood, which in turn covered their sins. What this means is that, the animals and their shed blood were the wages for man’s sins. Man and his blood were supposed to be the wages for man’s sins. However, God didn’t want man to perish. Through the shedding of animal blood, every year, humans were made righteous before God, in the Old Testament.
Even the Levitical priests (Levi was the tribe of Israel whom God appointed as priests.) who did the sacrifice on behalf of the people, were to atone also for their sins by the shedding of animal blood because no man could keep the law and it was impossible to keep the law.
6. Breaking God’s Moral Law
Not only is Adam’s sin in our bloodlines, but also we stumble as humans against God’s ten commandments. We are to judge ourselves against God’s moral law not by our own standards.
On the earth, the court judges the guilty man based on his actions. However, according to God’s law He judges us already according to our heart. All evil things come from the heart.
Therefore, when we were born we were by default heading to hell anyways because we were born in sin because of Adam’s sin. This is where Jesus steps in and becomes our subsitute taking our place on the cross because God really loves each of us so much. He gave His one and only son to suffer our punishment so that we dont have to suffer hell fire.That is the demonstration of His everlasting love for us. He laid down His life for us while we were still sinners.
We have all fallen short of the glory of God. There was and is no man who could keep all the ten commandments because of our fallen human nature when we were born. Jesus was the only one who kept all the ten commandments thereby fulfilling the law on our behalf.
7. Man’s Self-Righteousness
Inspite of breaking God’s law and inspite of doing all evil and wicked things, we still think and judge ourselves as a good person. However, we are not good according to God’s standards. No one is!! We are right in our own eyes because we judge ourselves based on man’s standard of judging. Also, because everyone does something, we also falsely assume that it is okay for us to do it also. Example: lying, stealing, adultery, fornication etc.
God also gave us a conscience to know right from wrong and He has written His law on our hearts.
8. Only God Is Good
Even Jesus said that only God is good and that no man is good. God is Holy. However, satan waits for us to sin to judge us by the law, however, we are set free by Jesus’ finished work on the cross! God’s grace is sufficient. It doesn’t mean we willfully sin. We try our best to not sin because we love God and we don’t want to make God and His Holy Spirit grieve! However, despite all our trying, we have all fallen short of the glory of God because He is Holy! It is His grace and mercy that keeps us going.
Note: When we are not in covenant with God we are automatically in covenant with satan.
9. Free-Will
Why can’t God stop satan or force people to choose God? He can’t, because God is just and a covenant God. It also has to do with free-will. Because God has free-will, He also created humans with free-will because He created us in His image.
When you don’t belong to God, you automatically belong to satan even if you claim to be an atheist. There is no in-between. God cannot override your will. Because God is full of love, He will never force you. However, He is waiting for you and on you to choose Him because it means so much to Him that you have chosen Him with your freewill. There is no one on earth who is going to love you as much as God does because He created you.
10. We Cannot Save Ourselves
A man cannot save himself because when he is born he already has a sinful nature because of inherited sin from Adam. We falsely assume and say that every man is born good. Every man is born evil because of inherited sin from Adam. Most of us would say that we spoke lies and stole as a child. Why? Who taught us? No one! Most children and even us when we were children, especially, we knew how to say lies and steal things (even if it was a candy) without anyone teaching us. It is because of the sinful human nature that we are born with. Humans love to sin because sin gives pleasure.
If we were born good then parents wouldn’t be required to teach discipline to their children. And, because of our inherent sinful nature, it is impossible to keep the ten commandments. Hence, we cannot save nor redeem ourselves.
Doing Good Deeds Does Not Balance Or Erase Your Sins
If doing good deeds would erase our sins and earn forgiveness before God then God would have spared millions of animal lives in the Old Testament. He would have told humans to do good and make up for their sins. Nay! Death is the price to pay for sin. We cannot say ‘Oh, that is the old testament’. Yes, we have a new covenant now with Jesus. However, sin is sin and the it is clear in God’s word that the wages of sin is death. Jesus did not give us a license to willfully sin. When you think ‘Oh, I can ask forgiveness in the end and escape punishment’, you are playing with your life and also taking God’s grace and mercy for granted.
We also know that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. So, why would He change His ways now to accomodate our sins and forgive our sins because you did some good deed? We can’t bribe God with our good deeds to erase your sins.
Saying That You Sinned Only In the Past Does Not Erase Your Sins
There is no amount of good that we do that could save us because we are already sinful. We might say ‘Yeah, but we sinned in the past’. Sinning in the past is also sin. How many times do we see cases in the natural world where criminals who escaped punishment for their crimes were caught 20 something years later and punished even though they escaped for 20 years? In those 20 years time they might have done many good deeds to make up for their horrible crime. However, the truth is, no good deed can cover or makeup for their crime. That is why they are punished when they are caught even after 20 years of escape.
When humans can be so concerned about justice, then how much more is God. When we sin against another person by lying, stealing, killing, coveting what belongs to our neighbours, dishonouring our parents, we are sinning against God. Vengeance belongs to the Lord and He will execute justice to who all are oppressed. So, we don’t want to go about sinning against God and other people.

11. Jesus – The Son of Man and Son Of God
In His infinite wisdom and grace and mercy, God had a plan of redemption. Even though mankind betrayed God, He didn’t repay according to man’s betrayal. He responded with redemption and mercy. God is a merciful God.
To redeem mankind, God sent His son Jesus born as a man without any sin physically, or in His soul or spiritually, (the perfect man just as Adam was before he sinned) to redeem mankind back to God and to pay/atone for our sins of breaking the law (10 commandments) once and for all (for all of mankind eternally).
Jesus’ Debt Cancellation Of Our Sins
Jesus came on the earth for mankind, for us! He came to pay and to be the atonement for man’s (our) sins. He was our substitute.
Jesus paid the final and full price of our sins (debts) by suffering for our sake, giving His life and His blood and going down to hell on behalf of us and was resurrected on the third day from death, so that we may be justified ‘through Him’. When He said ‘It is finished‘, He had already done everything that He has to do for all of mankind for redemption from sin and everlasting life. He offered Himself and His blood as the eternal sacrifice for our sins. He did this for each and every human no matter which religion, age, colour, background, job or status you have.
If you are a human, then know that you have a means to redemption and freedom from bondage and eternal life through Jesus Christ. His Blood washes you and makes you clean before God Almighty. He sees you covered by the blood of Jesus. You have freedom right now on the earth to walk free from the bondage of sin and its effects and you have everlasting life when you pass way from the earth because of Jesus and through Jesus.
12. Jesus Christ Substituted Our Place Through His Suffering, His Blood, The Cross, Death And Resurrection
What did Jesus actually do when He suffered, bled, was tormented, died and was resurrected? Let me explain to the best of my ability. It means you and I are sinners before God Almighty -all humans without exception. We would have to pay by our own death and suffering for our sins including inherited sin from Adam. However, Jesus willingly took our place once and for all because He Loves us and God loves us so much that He gave us one and only son as a sacrifice for our sins! We were suposed to go to hell and be in hell for being sinners but Jesus went to hell instead of us and for us, so that, we don’t have to go to hell and suffer.
God promised that He would defeat death and that is what Jesus did on the cross. He died for us physically and spiritually (He was in hell for 3 days) and He was resurrected on the third day gaining total and complete victory for mankind from death, hell and the grave! He is the Resurrection! Spiritual death is eternal separation from God and hell is eternal separation from God.
God gave eternal life to mankind when He created Adam but when Adam disobeyed God, death entered the scene because of the wages of Adam’s sin and it echoes even today in the natural world. God has written eternity on us and that is why all of us have the will to live and not perish. And God gives us eternal life through Jesus so that we could continue living even after we die.
Why did Jesus do all that He did? The answer is His Love for us and richness in Mercy!
13. We Are Made Righteous Through Jesus Christ
It is the blood of Jesus, which carried His life, that atoned for our sins eternally on God’s mercy seat. He made us righteous so that we can now approach God through Jesus Christ. This does not happen automatically. We are not saved automatically. It is only when we accept Him and His sacrifice acknowledging that we need His mercy to redeem us from sins and from bondage and trust in Him to save us that we will be saved. We can choose to have freedom on earth and have eternal life through Jesus Christ even after we pass on from the earth.
Through Him and only through Him we can be saved from unrighteousness, eternal separation from God, from satan and hell fire. In short, God made a way of escape for us through Jesus. Jesus was the first to be resurrected from the dead. Because of this, all those who accept Him and what He did for us, can now live eternally even after physical death.
14. Dominion
You might ask or wonder, what about the dominion and birthrights on earth for mankind that God originalyl gave to man(Adam)? What Adam lost was lost. However, through Jesus’s Resurrection we now have dominion if we choose to use it and walk in it. When God raised Jesus up on the third day from His death, He rose up victorious holding our victory in His hands. However, that doesn’t mean an automatic transference of power to us, as it happened between Adam and Satan when Adam sinned. To take hold of this victory that Jesus brought for us, we must accept Jesus and ‘choose’ to use it. Unfortunately, many Christians do not walk in dominion even though it is theirs to use.
15. Born-again definition/meaning
Born again, simply means You are a new creation in Jesus Christ. It is the rebirth of your spirit so that you are now finally connected by your spirit to God again. You legally become a son or daughter of God Almighty. It is your salvation from worldy sin and hell on Judgment day.
Born-again means you no longer belong to satan by default and satan has no claim to you (unless you give him the rights out of your free-will by sinning again). You are in covenant with God once gain and you become His again. When your spirit is connected to God, you automatically go to God when you leave this world. This doesn’t mean born-again believers have a perfect life on earth. They will have to walk through the narrow road and it is not a bed of roses. They have to repent and fight against the sins of the soul and the flesh because satan is still the god of this world until the Judgment day. However, it is worth it.
16. The Only Way To Get Born-Again/ To Have Salvation
The only way to be saved or being born again and to break the eternal separation with God in your spirit is through the Lord Jesus Christ.
A Good Judge Punishes Sin
You will be judged by God on judgment day and judgment takes place in a court. You cannot go to court and say ‘Yes Judge, I have sinned but I did many good things to compensate for my sins’. A court and a judge judges you on the bad things and sins you have done. There is no need to go to court to prove your good deeds to the judge. And a good judge because of his goodness rightfully punishes crime. There will be no one to save you on Judgment day if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour already on the earth. You will not have your husband or wife or father or mother or sister or brother or friends around you. You will have to face God- The Judge alone on Judgment day for your final judgment.
16.1 How to Be Saved
Step 1: Repentance
There is no way we could justify ourselves before God except through the redemptive blood of Jesus. When we see our sins as God sees it and when we see how good God has been to us despite our rebellion and despite kicking Him out of our lives or blaming Him for every wrong and when we see how much He really loves us, we will be truly sorry and repent. Repentance is giving up of sins and not merely confessing it. Repentance is when we are truly sorry that we ever did sin and willfully turn away from it. Tell Him your desire to be saved. Renounce your sins and associations with satan and witchcrafts.
Self-improvement or becoming a better person does not save us. God has mercy on a broken and contrite heart when we truly repent. However, repentance alone won’t save us.
Ask Him to wash you clean of sins and to create in you a clean heart and put a right spirit in you. Ask Him to not cast you away from His presence and to not take away His Holy Spirit from you. And, ask God to restore unto you the joy of His salvation and uphold you with His free spirit. (Psalms 51: 10-19). Because God is Holy we must seek to be Holy too.
Step 2: The Need For A Saviour – Accepting Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice For Us
We need someone desperately to redeem us and He is Jesus. We repent of our sins and accept Jesus’ willing sacrifice (debt cancellation of our sins) on the cross for us. And the Lord God by His grace will save us because He is our Salvation. We must make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of our life on earth because only He can save us here on earth and on Judgment day.
Accept Jesus’ sacrifice and debt cancellation of your sins. Tell God that you Receive Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of Your Life and trust in Jesus alone for your eternal salvation. Renounce every other false god and works of darkness. Ask God to give you the gift of salvation and to save you and He will save you. Ask God to fill you and baptize you with the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit and to make you a new being in Him and create in you a new heart with new desires.
When you have a revelation of whom Jesus truly is, then you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved (Romans 10:9).
Unmerited Grace
You are saved by the grace of God becase you trusted in Jesus to save you and for Him to redeem you from your trespasses because you trusted that He is able to do what He promised. And you ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit also called the Holy Ghost. This is how you are saved/born-again. We don’t merit it and can never earn it. Grace is unmerited favour of God.
He who promised to save is faithful to keep His word. All those who look to Jesus to be saved will be saved. This is being born-again when we trust in Jesus and depend on Him to save us because we remember that we cannot save ourselves or do anything to save ourselves. We give up sin as a result of the Holy Spirit’s work in us and the fear of God in us. We walk away from sin purposefully also as an evidence of being saved and as a way of thanking God for His lving kindness, grace, mercy on us and also to serve Him.
John 6:37
37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.
This scripture is self-explanatory. Jesus is talking here in this scripture. He said that He will surely not drive away or send away the person who comes to Him.
Romans 10:13
13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Scripture says that whoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save them shall be saved. There is no surer word than the word ‘shall’. Shall is definite. There is no doubt in the word, ‘shall’. Hence, if you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, you shall be surely saved. There is no doubt about it whatsoever. It is God’s promise and He cannot lie. So, call out to Jesus. Repent and call out to Jesus to save you today.
When You Don’t Accept Jesus You Pay For Your Sins By Eternal Death
When a person does not accept Jesus and His suffering, His blood, His sacrifice and His resurrection power and His debt cancellation of their sins, then they are on their own. They will have to pay for their sins and go to hell as an eternal separation from God after they die. And, hell is a horrible place to be. It was not created for humans. Therefore, do not wait for the last minute or moment to accept Jesus. Do it while you still have time while you are alive here on earth to enjoy a relationship with God while you are here on earth and then for all eternity.
Revelation 7:10
Revelation 7:10 says “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” We are saved through the grace of God .
17. Holy Spirit
We are born again by the Spirit of God – who is the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost. He is often represented by a dove. But He is the third God person. He is the spirit of God Himself through whom God raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus was the first-born from both physical and spiritual death. He lives inside every true born-again believer of Jesus Christ. That is to say, when you repent of your sins and receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and put your trust in Jesus alone for your eternal salvation and ask Him to fill you/baptize you with the Holy Ghost, The Holy Ghost begins to live in you and lead you and direct you.

18. Salvation is a free gift of God
Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
When you put your faith in Jesus’s ability to save you, when you called upon Him to save you, God releases His grace on you and that is how you are saved. No one can earn their way to salvation or heaven because it is God’s free gift.
Romans 3:23-24
23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
All men have sinned and no one is justified. We are all justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Now, this verse just tells it all. Salvation is Free!!! We are justified freely! It is a free gift from God even though we are horrible sinners- each one of us. We are dependent on Jesus to save us and rescue us because finally we are aware that we can’t save ourselves and He does. That is why Jesus is not only our Lord but also our Saviour because He saves us. If you sin even after you are born-again by mistake repent immediately of it and do that sin no more.
So, one might ask there are many that don’t know this and go to hell which could be easily avoided. Yes, that is why it is paramount to spread the truth so that people can make an informed decision about their eternity which is a far higher number of years that a short span of time spent of earth. Even if a person lived up to 200 years or 900 years, as in olden times, as the days of Adam to Noah, it is still very less compared to all eternity.
19. Notes On Romans 10:9
Romans 10:9 says:
if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
This verse is taken from the New King James International Version (NKJV). Confession means to admit or to acknowledge.
Merely Reciting Roman 10:9 For The Sake Of It Won’t Get You Saved
You can confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. Ask the Lord to wash you clean of your sins with His precious blood and ask His help to not sin again. Give your life to the Lord. You can say out loud what is in Romans 10:9, but there is a catch. Many people say these two lines just to get saved thinking they are saved and born-again of the Spirit but they continue in their old sinful lifestyle. It is deceiving oneself. They are not really born-again.
Seek God’s help to have a true repentance and change in you. And, sin could cost your life and entire eternity. You can confess all you want, but if do not truly repent and if you are not sincere and are not willing to give up on sin then there is a real probem with just reciting Romans 10:9 just for the sake of it. Many people who think are saved are not really saved because of this precise reason. Confession and repentance and accepting Jesus does not come by force or obligation. It comes from the heart.
Evidence of Being Born-Again
When you are born-again you leave your sinful nature behind and no longer will continue in your sinful lifestyle. You will loose the desire to sin willfully and you will seek no pleasure in sin. The thought of sinning will make you feel very guilty and you will walk away from deliberate sin. Also, you will have an eagerness for all things God. You will have hunger for the word of God. The most important evidence of being born-again is the working of the Holy Spirit in your life. When He works in your life, you cannot and will not deliberately continue in sin repeatedly. You will have the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your life and the gifts of the Holy Spirit will begin to operate in your life.
Will you be tempted to sin? Of course yes, yes and yes -all the time! It is satan who will try to tempt you in your flesh and in your soul (mind, will and emotions). But that doesn’t mean you have to accept it or give in. You will have to resist satan and he will flee from you. The challenge is in resisting and it is not always easy. However, we must strive to always resist evil while we are on the earth. Again, if you sin by error be sure to repent of it immediately and stay away from it because it surely will lead you to the path of destruction in small increments.
20. Deliberate And Unlimited Sin Is Not Okay
Just because Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved and only He can save us and nothing that we do can help us, it doesn’t mean that we are allowed to commit all the sins possible. Just because we cannot save ourselves, does not give us the license to willfully sin and then depend on God to forgive us. It is taking advantage of God and playing with God. You cannot take advantage of God’s Grace and Mercy and continue to tell lies, continue to steal, continue to blaspheme His Holy name, continue to be an adulterer and murderer at heart. You cannot bribe God by playing emotinal games with Him.
He sees you and knows all your motives better than you know yourself. God does not tolerate sin. He is Holy and when we are born again we are expected to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and be holy and live a consecrated life before God. When we are born again and if we sin by mistake, we will not lose our salvation. However, continuing in repeated sin deliberately will eventually add up and lead us down the path of destruction and pave the way for us to renounce Jesus Chirst altogether and deny Him completely thereby losing salvation.
21. What Is Your Choice?
Now, that we have come to the end of this post, the question is who do you want to belong to, today and forever? God has given you an option. God Himself tells in Deuteronomy 30:19: ‘I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live’.
It is your call, your choice. You can choose or reject Him and He will not force you. Choosing Jesus Christ must come from your heart from the revelation that He really is the Lord. If you choose Jesus it must be done out of your free-will and not by force or obligation. When you realise and judge your sins against God’s standard and realise how you can never save yourself ever, you would automatically need someone to save you. And, it is Jesus and only Jesus who can save you. And, it is the most important decision that you will ever make in your entire life for your life on earth and even beyond, for all eternity.
God Himself suggests you to choose life. Therefore, repent and ask for God’s mercy and accept Jesus’s debt cancellation of your sins. Choose Jesus because He is life and live a life as an obedient son or a daughter of the Most-High living God. I highly suggest you to think about it and make a wise decision for your life on earth and especially for your future and your eternity without wasting any more time because tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone.
Until Next Time!